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Best Folding Treadmill Under $1000

Best Folding Treadmill Under $1000. Are you looking for best rated folding treadmill priced under 1000 bucks? Let's get it.

1.  LifeSpan TR 1200i Folding Treadmill

Regular price for LifeSpan TR 1200i was $ 1,499.99 but you will save $500.99. So the price is $999. LifeSpan TR 1200i Folding Treadmill is great savings and this is one of those gym/rec center/athletic club quality treadmills.

2. Sole Fitness F63 Folding Treadmill
Regular price for this folding treadmill was $1,699.99, but you can save $700.00. The price now is under $1000 ($999.99) and you get free shipping for Sole Fitness F63 Folding Treadmill. Sole has a wonderful warranty plan, they ship the part to fix it and you install the part yourself.

We will update soon if we find more Best Folding Treadmill Under $1000.
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